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  For increase in rank all players must pass next exams.

1. Government which have rank |Ex| can accept exams from |A| to |M| or |M| to |Ex|

2. Government  which  have rank |M| can accept exams  only from |A| to |M|

Experts |Ex|:


1. Know all rules and play in all maps;

3. Playing different tactics;

2. You need play no f rules;

4. You must play on same level as top experts. 

Mediums |M|:


1. 2k 10pt, no f fs, map (best-crusaders). Pop: 400+, gold: 5k+;

2. 3k 10pt, no f fs, map (1st test). Pop: 360+, gold: 8k+;

3. 3k 5pt, no f fs, map (-=W.L=- 1x1 series 3)


4. After eco players will play battle. Army control must be good.

---Tip--- :  take care of you lord :D

Academy |A|:

minimal knowledge of game or players who not pass exams for |M| rank.

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